Tuesday, October 27, 2015

LOL Same Day Delivery

Had to order some supplies from Amazon for my husband's job. Decided to do same day delivery because it was free. It was guaranteed to be here no later than 9. It is now 10:43. To say that I am annoyed would be an understatement. If I had known that this fuckass delivery service was going to flake on delivering shit like they were FUCKING SUPPOSED TO, I would have just had my husband stop and get his crap at Target or whatever. Never again. I'm going to bitch to Amazon tomorrow, because I know they'll bitch out the delivery company. Yes, I'm being a tattletale over something that was free. Fuck you, I'm being an entitled American asshole for one day.

And now I'm going to walk the dog and see if the dicklords left it outside by chance. Because they probably did. In the middle of Chicago. In the pouring rain.


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